Pyrus Doyenne du Comice in foliage on the Barcham Trees nursery
Pyrus Doyenne du Comice in foliage on the Barcham Trees nursery
Medium Pyrus Doyenne du Comicr
Carbon Rating
Carbon Rating
Pyrus Doyenne du Comice medium 2022

Pyrus Doyenne du Comice

Comice Pear

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Product details

Pyrus Doyenne du Comice is a French fruiting Pear that was introduced into the UK in 1858 and won the RHS Award of Garden Merit in 2002.

The flowers of this pear are single and white and are produced in early spring. 

The bright glossy green leaves follow and can exhibit some good colour in the autumn, depending upon the climate. 

The yellowy green fruits develop throughout the summer and are ready for harvesting in the autumn time. 

This pear can be eaten straight from the tree and is juicy and tasty.

 It is not as well cultivated as the Conference Pear as the fruit does not have such useful storage capacity.

Pyrus Doyenne du Comice is a self sterile pear, it therefore requires a pollination partner for fruit production; both Pyrus communis Conference and Beech Hill can act as pollinators. 

This tree will tolerate most soil conditions, providing the area is well drained; they will not perform well on soils prone to water logging. 

It performs best in sheltered courtyards or sunny positions, where the warmth will help to bring on the fruit. At Barcham we have a limited range of fruit trees, providing the very best selection that will compliment one another nicely.  This pear is a great addition to any orchard and makes a useful garden tree in restricted spaces as it is relatively slow growing.

If you live in an area prone to rabbits or deer then we recommend rabbit guards for these trees.

Mature Heght: 3-7m

Tree Specifications

Common names
Comice Pear
Height of tree
Blossom Colour
Foliage Colour
Fruit and Nut
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