Barcham Invigorate
Barcham Invigorate
Data Sheet

Barcham Invigorate

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This size is currently unavailable for sale; the next batch is currently being grown at Barcham and will be available for sale soon.

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Product details

INVIGORATE Complete nutrient support for trees Invigorate is a super concentrated liquid fertiliser and Bio-Pack made to supply all the nutritional requirements of trees and ornamental plant species.

Invigorate contains generous levels of major and micro nutrients together with an Organic Bio Pack which supports plant health, increases nutrient efficiency and aids plants during periods of stress - no matter what the cause.

When mixed with water and drenched onto roots, Invigorate provides all the essential nutrients that both newly planted and established plants will need.

Invigorate contains 12-12-12 (NPK) + magnesium and micro nutrients + the bio-pack.

Invigorate can be drenched around all plants and trees. It is easy to mix and apply.
Being concentrated the application rate is low at just 5-10mls per 10L watering can.